Monday, December 18, 2006

Merry Christmas, Happy New Year!

Three days from now I’ll be relaxing in Cambodia gearing up for touring Angkor Wat (a dream since 10th grade World History class) and enjoying the holiday season in warm temperatures. I’ll spend a little over two weeks in Cambodia and Vietnam and get a chance to experience a completely different side of Asian culture.

Alas, due to trip preparations and a busy past few days, I cannot regal you with a new zany blog update…and since I’ll be fighting for my life (just kidding, mom) in SE Asian until January, you must wait until 2007 for a new video, song, or story.

But let me take this opportunity to say MERRY CHRISTMAS to everyone and here is a virtual high five and hug—SLAP, EMBRACE!

You can look forward to some pretty awesome stuff in the New Year including a new video series about Robots in the Office Place (and for all you Shark Friend fanatics, don’t worry, he’ll still get plenty of air time too).

My love to you all.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

"LONDON, England (AP) -- Civil rights for robots? It could be coming.

A study released by the British government says someday robots might become so advanced, they could demand their independence.

The United Kingdom Office of Science and Innovation foresees the day when robots will be able to reproduce and think for themselves.

But don't look for a robot revolution anytime soon.

The study says independence for robots probably won't be much of an issue until the mid-21st century."

from CNN's website

**I thought you might want to know what's coming. -Lauren Graeber