Monday, February 20, 2006

Clash of the Titans

As you may or may not know (depending on how good a friend you are), my 24th birthday is fast approaching with the special day being on February 28th. This year, like in years past, I threw a theme-costume party to celebrate. The theme for 2006: “Heroes, Demons, and Deities” or “general mythology.” Perhaps a better term would have been “wild, out of control, booze fest” after experiencing the utter madness that rocked my little inaka town.

I will admit that the punch I made—a mix of fruit juice and vodka I called “ambrosia of the gods”—was rather strong. Thus the 40 or so people surging through the two floors of my apartment were well on their way to feeling divine. My costume and mythological persona for the night was Balder, a Nordic god of justice and wisdom who’s death perpetuates the end of the world (pretty neat, eh?). For all my American-jin buddies, you’ll notice a resemblance between Balder and Green Havoc, but I assure you I’m not recycling costumes—just giving new life to a familiar image.

Here are some pictures from the night:

Me as Balder, a Nordic god, with Pauline and Lisa, two twin Asian-American-Greek goddesses.

Mike as Poseidon and Tomiko as Miyou

Karl as...uh, some guy with really sweet wings.

Ben as Bacchus--could there be a worse combination?

Asei as a little angle. Yes, that is a child at my party.

Kiyoko as a unicorn, Rhoda as the goddess of alcohol, and Tamara as Temptation (bubble wrap was an amazing idea).

Me and Ata, an island goddess who can also be called a "mother goddess" because she's the one who kept it real and made sure my place wasn't destroyed in the immortal revelry.

All in all the night was great and I loved having folks over to Ajimu.


Chris Powell said...

Hey, how come im not in any of the photos. Lol. Joking, it was a great night justin, although its monday night and im still nursing my hangover, i can only hope that it wont continue into tomorrow. See this is what u have to lok forward to as you get older.

Ted Pho said...

Love the quote about Ben. Classic!

Oldmarrieds said...

Oh. Wow. Sounds/looks like a pretty crazy party - even more so than last year ;) I hope that your apartment can be returned to its former self after all the partying! You are just too cool for words bro.

Anonymous said...

Did you see me at the party? I was Sisyphus...or Perseus.

Wait...I was the golden owl in that movie...

What was his name?

