Thursday, January 03, 2008

Happy New Year!

It’s 2008—the Year of the Rat—the Summer Olympics in China—and the year I’m finally getting serious about my future. Yes, that’s right, after adventuring around in Japan for the past 2.5 years, I think it’s time for me to get my goals and dreams together and get on a path to greater things. I’m posting this on my blog so it’s out there and I can’t procrastinate and push it aside anymore.

Resolutions anyone? Come on, tis the best time of year to make some positive changes in your life. Here are mine!

1.) Improve my Japanese! I have a good textbook and a cool sensei…so I just need to get my butt in gear and learn that Nihongo.

2.) Produce more creative works…aka WRITE MORE…and then get it published. I want to find a writing contest and make a submission in the next 3 months. I feel like I have a creative hurricane inside me just blowing around in a chaotic roar and I’d like to funnel that storm into a brilliant story or paper. Creating things makes me happy…and I haven’t been writing enough over the last few months.

3.) Figure out the next step of my life’s journey. This is the tough one…and one I’d reckon a lot of people are stuck on. What’s next? Where should I go? What should I do? Who am I?! Factors like job/career, relationship, dreams, opportunities, and destiny all intertwine here…and it can be hard to find the right direction to go in. BUT, the most important part is having a vision of where you want to go. I need to first figure that out.

So there you go! What do you think?

In other news, I just got back from a New Year’s trip to Kansai with some really awesome folks. I’ll have an update with pictures from that trip soon.

Happy going everyone.

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