Monday, January 07, 2008

I stole from Paris Hilton

Recently I asked my dear friend, Sheena, if she, given the option, would give up the need to sleep (just think of how much more productive one could be!). She said she wouldn’t because she wants to be able to dream and have a break from reality. I pondered this thought and quickly came to agree with her. Dreams are amazing little side quests to our lives and provide outlets for our thoughts and emotions…and sometimes give us the opportunity to be superheroes or see Mars or go on dates with Deanna Troi from Star Trek.

In a dream I had the other night I stole from Paris Hilton and got to eat some very tasty carrot cake. I don’t remember every part of the dream, but I do remember vacationing in Paris Hilton’s mountain mansion and having the chance to rifle through her shoe closet while she was out. I wasn’t stealing shoes for myself…but rather for Sheena and Selena who were waiting for me in the Burger King a few miles away. No, I didn’t care about the shoes…I instead went after Paris’ cell phone so I could have contact info for half of Hollywood (albeit perhaps the skankier half). While in the process of choosing between sparkles or leather heels (again, not for me, but for my friends…), I also found a hoard of carrot cake (one of my favorite desserts!). I was very practical about taking the cake and was sure to wrap it up neatly in plastic wrap before wiping my finger prints off all surfaces.

As I was leaving the Hilton mansion with cake, shoes, and phone, a massive Bigfoot creature appeared just outside the front door. Everyone started screaming and I knew I only had seconds before the monster broke into the house. This is the point the dream became something extra special! In the dream I was thinking, “oh dear, I’m getting scared…don’t like this…going to have to run and hide and blablabla…I just want to enjoy this bit of petty theft without the hassle of defending myself against a tired urban myth…” And while thinking this I realized, “hey wait, I’m dreaming…this is in my head…my imagination…so that means I can anything!” A second later Bigfoot was breaking through the wall and instead of being scared, I was getting stronger. I had enough realization in my dream to give myself superpowers and quickly repelled the beast with one big energy shockwave from my hands.

The dream petered out after that…I remember the house filling with water and something about a cat and my cousin Miranda…and then I woke up.

Anyway, I wanted to report this to everyone to give you something interesting to read as you start your week (for many people after a holiday). The next time you find yourself in a dream—which should be the next time you fall soundly asleep—try to take control and see what you can do. For surly the limits of what you can do/be in a dream are only bound by the limits of your imagination.


Sarah said...

I had a dream that I met John Edwards and then decided I was voting for Obama. Maybe it's a sign!

Angelo said...

This is hilarious! And Deanna Troi! WOW!