Thursday, March 06, 2008

Top Ten of Tokyo!

Tokyo was awesome! It’s such an amazing city filled with life and lights and random characters around every corner. Thanks to my dear friends, Sheena, Selena, and Zach for making it an especially special birthday weekend.

Here is a TOP TEN of the weekend:

10. Having Starbucks coffee overlooking the Shibuya Crossing—the busiest cross walk in the world.

9. Napping in Yoyogi Park near Harajuku where loads of musicians come to play their guitars.

8. Riding the subways and trains all over the city and having Sheena and Zach do all the navigating (cause the train lines are complicated).

7. Smoking strawberry sheesha in Roppongi at 4am.

6. Eating Zach’s perfect chocolate chip cookies.

5. Following Nigerians to the clubs they work for and using their cheap drink coupons.

4. Dancing all night long for two nights in a row.

3. Dancing with a hot half-Japanese, half-Columbian.

2. Watching Selena defend Sheena from a group of punk guys who were hitting on her in the middle of the sidewalk by the kebab stand.

1. Laughing and hanging with some dear friends for 3 awesome days.

It was a great weekend filled with fun…and about 6 hours of sleep total. Tokyo never disappoints.


Anonymous said...

Ah - Tokyo, the New York city of Japan. All the sights, sounds, and food - a feast for the senses.
Glad you had a good time - more special memories!
Love Mom & Dad

Anonymous said...

shake it don't break it