Monday, December 19, 2005

Christmas Bear’s Frightening Ride

I brought Christmas Bear to school after receiving him in the mail the day before in a package from mom and dad (thanks mom and dad!). After spending a week or so in a dark box, Christmas Bear needed some love and attention to help soothe the emotional trauma of being shipped in the mail (he wasn’t eating and would only respond to my questions with one word answers). I also figured the students at school would like to meet him since they love anything cute that wears little hats. I was glad he had brought his hat and scarf since temperatures inside buildings are about the same as the temperatures outside.

Christmas Bear had a special place on my desk atop a pile of memos and flyers that have been accumulating for about the last 5 months (I don’t usually fully grasp the meanings of said memos and flyers, but I keep them in case I ever need to reference them) so he served the dual function of tomodachi and paper weight.

Well, Christmas is almost here and there was snow in Ajimu off and on all last week. There were times of heavy flurries, but not much stuck to the roads so school was always in session (Japanese schools are not are ready to cancel class due to snow fall as NC schools). There is definitely a Christmas presence here in Japan as one can see in the lights decorating some stores and buildings, but the anticipation is nothing like back home. I have a little tree at my apartment and plan to have a Christmas adventure at the end of this week. Check back later for the story!

1 comment:

Oldmarrieds said...

Oy my gosh, that was like the funniest entry I've read. Or maybe that's the 20 oz of coffee speaking, either way, I laughed outload about the poor Christmas bear. I will seriously consider what stuffed animals I send you! Your tree looks really nice and you've even got gifts under it. You are way ahead of the game... or wait... I think I am just really, really behind! Merry Christmas bro! Love talking to you on Skpye.