Friday, December 02, 2005

The friend you just can't have

This entry has been removed because the story deeply hurt my Japanese co-workers. I am very sorry for writing this story and was wrong to write it. I have learned my lesson and will not write about my job, students, or co-workers in a negative fashion again.


Lisa said...

damn justin . . . all i got to say is that i have much respect for you high school teachers. Maybe you should start curling your hair in class and see what happens.

Joel Swagman said...

I enjoyed this entry. I also feel that I've worked with Japanese teachers very similar.

Ted Pho said...

Dude! Big fan of your writing. You should choose one of your works and send this to Kevin at the Tombo. Deadline is this friday. This piece is my favourite(british spelling). It is the awful truth, but you tell it with a peaceful/witty humanism. I bet if you teach them about make-up vocabulary(for girls, but I'm sure some guys would be interested as well) you'd get their attention. But yeah, gambaru!!

mal said...

Yikes! Well, good luck Justin. Some people just never warm up, but maybe she'll come around and see you for the person we all know you to be.