Wednesday, December 10, 2008

Most Important Thing

Relationships are the most important things in life. I’ve been back for 3 weeks and after spending time with family and friends in person (and over the phone), I really see how important relationships are in life.

We all of course know this; but sometimes need to say it out loud (or on a blog) to properly appreciate the fact. Coming back home after 3 years is strange/confusing/difficult because you drop down in a place that looks, sounds, and smells familiar, but feels a bit off. You turn around and see your old life and you think, “that was me then”, and then you look at yourself now and think, “this is who I’ve become since then”, and then you try to connect the lines to figure out how those two go together.

And while you’re thinking about that, your friend from college calls you up and you suddenly realize how despite all the adventures between then and now, you are still you and your friend is still your friend and you can click back together very easily and have a good laugh. THEN, you think, “the people in my life—those souls I love—give so much meaning to my life and they make sense of things no matter where I am”.

And finally you eat some homemade cookies you made with your sister and smile.


Angelo said...

Oh, man! Great post!

I want to go back and try to connect my lines as well. And eat stuff!

Anonymous said...

So true...hey I've referenced you in my blog and put a link to your page.xxxx