Tuesday, December 02, 2008

Thanksgiving with the family

After 3 long years of no Thanksgivings, I’ve finally come home and have had a wonderful feast. おいしかったです! It was delicious!

My mom and sister are amazing when it comes to cooking. They know how to plan out and prepare a fantastic meal. I usually just jump around the kitchen saying, “I’m hungry! When it is gonna be ready?!” Then they give me a job like making “pigs in a blanket” that is simple and occupies my time. Pigs in a blanket are little sausages wrapped up in yummy croissant bread and it’s the only thing I’ve ever made for Thanksgiving. This task suits me fine cause it requires a little bit of food-geometry (measuring out a balanced number of sausages to croissant dough and making sure everything is wrapped up tight) and when they are done I can eat as many as I want!

I’m so happy to be back home. Not just for the piggies, but also because of the comfort and joy of being back with family. Right now I’m chilling at my sister’s house and enjoying her Nintendo Wii (a little bit of Japan) and just getting myself together for the future.

I know some of you may be concerned about the future of the JaBlog since my Japan adventure is over. There are so many blogs out there in the void of cyberspace that have been left to drift and remain forever un-updated. But I assure you that my blog will continue…but probably with a title change. Stay tuned for the unfolding stories :)


Lisa said...

Your Thanksgiving looks so good! Actually your role of making pigs in a blanket sounds quite impressive - my job had always been to jiggle the cranberry jelly out of the can . . . .

YES! keep on updating! I'm actually going to start updating mine again as well. :)

Anonymous said...

i <3 jablog
