Tuesday, December 16, 2008

Top 10 Exclamations

Since being back I've been amazed and awed by simple things that make America different from Japan. A trip to a store usually invokes these feelings and I've found myself saying aloud all of the phrases below (some more than others).

  1. Whoa, that guy is fat!
  2. This steak is massive!
  3. Haha, that cat is chubby.
  4. Wow, look at all the bread!
  5. Yikes, is that lady wearing pajamas at the store?
  6. Man, this water glass is like a silo.
  7. Eek, that dude is rude.
  8. Hmm, is this shirt a large in people sizes or wookie?
  9. Gasp! Look at all the cheese options!
  10. Holy Tower of Babel! There are so many different kinds of people/languages around me!

Overall, I'm finding America to be a comfortable and bountiful place, but way, way too fat. I like the diversity and having all types of cultures mixing, but hate the overly sensitive "politically correct alarms" that go off whenever someone asserts their culture. I like America and love being back home...but I'd like to see my country improve some and become an even better place. I'd also like fewer reality TV shows and more Star Trek.


Sarah said...

you want to change society?! Maybe you should go to social work school! or not. crap, i should be finishing my paper.

yeah, we're fatties.

also, i gave up TV and never looked back.

Angelo said...

Star Trek forever!!!

Oh, how I miss food and people (even rude!) from back home!

Anonymous said...

America's shame - too fat for our own good. Hey, heard rumors of another Star Trek movie in the works! About time!!
Love - Dad